After sixteen years working for a large advertising company all the staff were told by the end of the year that they would be let go. So many mixed emotions ran through my head at the time. Do I leave now. Do I try and find a job in the same industry, or venture out and do something completely different. Knowing I would receive a considerable payout when made redundant after serving so many years, I decided to not stress myself and wait it out.

That’s when I started reading Matthew Reilly’s – Seven Ancient Wonders.

I was hooked straight away, so I purchased and read all his novels. His writing was simple to read, fast-paced and filled with action. I loved how his books revolved around ancient artifacts and lost tombs. I felt I could write something similar, so I decided to put my crazy ideas to paper and attempt to start by writing one captivating first chapter. Wanting validation, I showed everyone and the response was extremely positive.

Soon after I had outlined the entire story, all 84 chapters of it and during my lunch break at work I began to write. At night time the writing continued through the wee hours of the morning. I enrolled myself into a thriller workshop course and watched how to videos on youtube and before I knew it, I had completed my first novel Fortune in Blood.

Late October 2014 it finally happened. I was made redundant. The dreaded envelope I knew was coming.

Christmas was fast approaching. I knew there was no way I would find a job at this time, so I decided to take a couple of months off and continue to write. I was to treat it like a job, like a serious writer would do. Monday to Friday I took the kids to school, came home had a cup of coffee and got to it. I was home alone and my creative juices were let loose and I loved every moment of it. I was free to write with no boss over my head, no pressure but the story in front of me. During this period I came to realize my most productive time was between 12pm-2pm, as I smashed out the pages.

Four months later my second novel Mona Lisa’s Secret was drafted, that would become an Amazon bestseller.

To this day, April 2018, it has had over 1.5 million page reads, hit #1 in all its categories in multiple countries and hit #465 on all books on the kindle store and continues to rise.

Mona Lisa's Secret Sales Rank #465 in entire kindle store




Phil Philips author rank #1615A screenplay for Mona Lisa’s Secret is also in the works. Should be completed by May 2018. Look out Hollywood here I come. lol.

Due to the success of my second novel, I completed the sequel title Last Secret Chamber that will also be released in mid May 2018.

A fourth short story book has also been completed and will be released later in the year title Guardians of Egypt.

Its been an amazing roller coaster ride these past couple of years and who knows where the future might lead.



Phil Philips Story And His Decision To Become A Best Selling Author